All The Tools, Resources & Training You Need To Build A Kick-Ass Insurance-Based Practice 

My group coaching program helps you get credentialed, bill the shit out of insurance & make the $$$$$ you deserve. 

Apply NOW, yo!

A program for ALL insurance-based RDs


At The Reimbursement Dietitian, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to coaching RDs who are looking to or who currently accept insurance in their practice. That is why I offer a tiered approach for my coaching products. Level 1 of my Reimbursement Coaching Program is for dietitians just starting their insurance-based practices. Even if you are already credentialed, if you have NOT been successfully billing for at least 12 months, you will start in Level 1. Learning the fundamentals is critical to your long-term private practice success. 

Levels 2 and 3 aim to support RDs as they navigate growth and scale their insurance-based practice. Level 2 includes personal access to me via my private coaching hours on Voxer. Level 3 contains personal office hours plus one monthly coaching call with me. 


In the Spring of 2024, CDR made MASSIVE changes to its CEU accreditation process. They decreased the possible number of allowable CEUs and made several substantial changes to the requirements for CEUs. Therefore, any RD or CNS who joins my program AFTER April 13, 2024, will NOT be eligible for the 40.0 credits. 


ALL tiers include 6 MONTHS of continuous access to the following


My epic Reimbursement Coaching Modules with additional general information on licensure, tips on starting your private practice & planning for taxes  

Weekly live Group Coaching calls 

A private Facebook Community for other like-minded RDs like YOU


Most RDs stay within my program for a minimum of 1-2 years to get the best results. But it is NOT a requirement. However, what I have found is after six months, most RDs need continued support. And rightfully so! This entrepreneur stuff is hard, especially in your practice's first couple of years. I have a SPECIAL place for you to go (my EPIC membership!) once you complete your first 6 months, and it's equally as awesome & costs <$200/month. So don't stress


We will totally have more conversations about that. But as many of you know, building your dream business is a process. It is not something we take lightly here at The Reimbursement Dietitian. So, I don’t want to sugarcoat or downplay the expectations of what it will take to create the insurance-based practice of your dreams. 


If you are anticipating applying (and I really do wish you were!), I think you may find it helpful to complete these actions, which you can read about HERE. That way, you will be ready to rock and roll if I accept your application. 


So now that I've got that off my chest, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty! After all, you know I am a typical Type A Dietitian—an uber detailed gal!

Level 1


Who is Level 1 for? 


Level 1 is a foundation program for RDs who are totally NEW to accepting insurance. In addition, Level 1 is for you if you have been working for another clinic or practice and need to credential and learn how to bill on your own. You guys are THE OGs. You are the original reason why I created my Group Reimbursement Coaching Program. So you can imagine I am beyond stoked to have YOU!  At this level, we cover it ALL. Credentialing, billing, how to select an EMR, establishing your rates, marketing, etc. Click HERE to see the full curriculum.


All information is presented and exchanged in a group setting. There is no one-on-one coaching offered in Level 1. More so because you will not need it at this stage. Level 1 literally covers EVERY single aspect of successfully setting up and running your insurance-based practice. 


Awesome payment plans available see below :) 


Almost all RDs joining my program start in level 1. Then if after 6 months you feel like you would benefit from more support we can discuss adding in some 1:1 time with me. But for most RDs level 1 of my Reimbursement Group Coaching Program is everything you need to get started with accepting insurance in your practice. 


Level 1 access 

  • 6 months of access to Reimbursement Coaching Modules with additional access to general information on licensure, tips on starting your private practice & planning for taxes  
  • 6 months of access to our weekly live Group Coaching calls
  • 6 months of access to our private Facebook page for my Group Coaching clients


Price: 6 payments of $780 OR 12-payments of $400/month OR pay in full $4264 (save yo'self 10 percent!) 

Level 2


Who is level 2 for? 


Level 2 of my program is for dietitians who have been successfully billing insurance for at least 10 to 12 months OR have successfully completed 6 months at Level 1 of my Group Reimbursement Coaching Program. You are not a total insurance Newbie. However, you by no means feel like a billing rockstar (yet!). In addition to needing to fine-tune your billing skills, you are looking for support on the back end with important tasks like marketing your insurance-based practice, increasing your referral network, refining your practice systems as well as thinking about incorporating programs, packages, and a la carte services with insurance. 


In level 2 of my Reimbursement Coaching Program, you will receive access to everything in Level 1 of my program (curriculum, group calls, FaceBook Page) plus additional resources for up-leveling your insurance-based practice.   


Most importantly, in Level 2 of the reimbursement program you receive ACCESS to ME directly via my personal Voxer Officer Hours and Airtable. You can make weekly submissions and get real-time feedback (Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm). This way you are not stuck spinning your wheels. I help you build your insurance-based empire faster and with the confidence of a 2-year-old wearing wonder woman underwear. I support you where you need it most. This will save you a boatload of time, effort, and aggravation.


Level 2 access

  • Everything in Level 1 plus ...
  • Higher-level resources and coursework for refining your insurance-based practice 
  • To Airtable for project submission and review x 1 per week
  • Voxer Office Hours Monday-Thursday from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm EST

Price: 6 payments of $997 or pay in full $5384 (save yo'self 10 percent!) 

Level 3


Who is Level 3 for?


Level 3 of my reimbursement coaching program is for dietitians who have been successfully billing insurance for a minimum of 1 to 2 years. Or the RD has completed Level 2 of my reimbursement program. They are pretty awesome at billing. However, they aren’t afraid to admit they need additional clarity from time to time with the various insurance plans. They have most of their practice systems in place. But they feel they could benefit from maximizing the efficiency of these systems. They have some additional sources of revenue (programs and packages, a la carte services, courses) already created. But they are not generating the profit they would like. 


Dietitians in level 3 are consistently bringing in a minimum of $8,000 - $10,000 per month in their insurance-based practice. In addition, they are looking for my support in expanding their team. They want to add on new RDs, and/or administrative staff, and/or virtual assistants, etc, in the next 6-months. They need help with the details involved in the hiring (and firing!) process.  


Level 3 comes with all the bells and whistles of both of the previous levels (curriculum, group calls, FaceBook Page, Voxer office hours, Airtable submission) but includes an increased frequency of Airtable submissions as well as one monthly call with me. This level is considered high touch and most weeks I am communicating daily with the RD to help support them in advancing their practice. 


Level 3 access

  • Everything in Levels 1 and 2 plus ...
  • To Airtable for project submission and review Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm x daily submissions 
  • One private coaching call with me per month

Price: 6 payments of $1297 or pay in full $7004 (save yo'self 10 percent!) 

What are you waiting for?

I got you! I promise. My program saves you TONS of time so you can focus on the important things - like growing the crap out of your private practice. 

Apply NOW

Put in an application, wondering what you can do while you wait?!! 

No worries. Check your in box :) You already got your first email from me with important information on what to do while you are awaiting. Please make sure you review in detail and we can discuss more once I review your application.