Replay: What every dietitian needs to know BEFORE accepting insurance in their practice


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What every dietitian needs to know BEFORE accepting insurance in their practice

Live event was epic! I promise the replay will be equally as awesome.

In this Masterclass, you will learn how to ...

  • Decide whether or not accepting insurance in YOUR practice makes ‘sense’ (P.S. it’s NOT for everyone!) 
  • Understand the benefits of accepting insurance 
  • Understand the drawbacks to accepting insurance 
  • Gain an overall understanding of how insurance ‘works’ 
  • Master the best practices for accepting insurance in your practice

Sis! What are you waiting for?


Purchase the Damn Class!

I get it. 


The thought of accepting insurance in your practice freaks you the heck out. 


After all, so many dietitians have told you to RUN the OTHER way. 


They told you insurance pays like crap. 


That insurance is such a freaking hassle to deal with. 


Nothing is covered. 


Well, you know I am going to call ‘Bull Shit’ on ALL of that … and then some. 


In this 75-minute Master Class: What every dietitian needs to know BEFORE accepting insurance in your practice we are going to talk about it ALL- the GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY when it comes to accepting insurance in your practice. 


And trust me, I have been successfully billing insurance since 2008, yo! So it is fair to say I am the BEST chick for this job. You are going to get the REAL deal with full transparency on the topic. Because while insurance has been a game-changer for my practice - it has NOT been all rainbows, unicorns, and glitter