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How to Bill out of state Insurance Plans for MNT

You have a patient in a neighboring state who wants to see you for MNT AND wants to use their insurance for the visit. 


Can YOU legally see the patient AND bill their insurance? 


If so, how do you even bill for the visit ?!? 


For SOOOO many years I thought as an insurance-based dietitian I could ONLY see and bill insurance for patients in my home state of Connecticut. 


Boy was I wrong. 


Yes. There are nuances with billing insurance for MNT for out-of-state plans. 


But once you understand these nuances, you can then successfully navigate and bill out-of-state insurance plans like a rock star. This can especially be a game-changer if you are a completely virtual private practice. 


In this Master Class recording I will: 

  • Provide a brief overview of licensure explaining EXACTLY how it relates to accepting insurance in your practice
  • Explain why the different types of insurance plans ( HMO, PPO & EPO) matter when it comes to billing for out-of-state plans
  • Identify the different steps you must take in verifying a patient’s out-of-state insurance benefits compared to an in-state insurance plan 
  • Demonstrate exactly how to submit an out-of-state insurance claim in your EMR
     Terms and agreements
  • You are purchasing a single class recording. You will have access to the recording for 365 days
  • This class is NOT eligible for CEUs. The live version was - replay is NOT. 
  • This purchase doesn't entitle you to any personal coaching or consulting by Amy Plano, The Reimbursement Dietitian 
  • The class is >75-minutes in duration & pre-recorded.
  • Once the purchase is made no refunds are permitted