Watch the quick video below for the juicy details about this EPIC MONTHLY membership site. This membership is ONLY for dietitians already credentialed with the insurance companies and has been successfully billing for at least a year.
Do any of these situations sound familiar …
You are credentialed with all the major insurance companies, have been successfully billing for at least the last 12 months, and crave a sense of community in the insurance-based space.
You fully understand how profitable an insurance-based practice can be, but for some reason, the referrals are not coming your way...
You can get patients 'in the door' but have difficulty retaining them...
You are credentialed but have no idea how to maximize your income by accepting insurance in your practice ...
You have killer packages & services you want to offer but don't know the first thing about integrating the insurance piece ...
You've spent countless hours figuring out how to bill Medicare, and you're sick of wasting your time ...
You have specific insurance-based questions but nowhere to turn to for the RIGHT answers ...
You are at maximum capacity in your insurance-based practice and don't know the next best steps to take to grow your practice ...
Your insurance-based practice is up and running, but it's not going as well as you'd like, and you're overwhelmed and ready to give up ...
You’re struggling to stay on top of the seemingly endless list of tasks you need to handle, and you’re not enjoying running your insurance-based practice ...
You recently completed one of my reimbursement coaching programs and are hungry for MORE!
If you answered 'Hell yeah!' to any of these questions, then you already know what a shit-show it can be trying to get quality advice & support
What are you getting ?!?
- Weekly office hours (60-minutes)
- Access to my exclusive PRIVATE Facebook Community where you can ASK me anything
- My Billing Cheat Sheet
- My Short Guide to Billing Secondary Insurance
- My Reimbursement Starter Pack
- My course Medicare 101
- ANY live event I present while you are enrolled (a.k.a. Master Classes, Webinars, etc)
- Access to the following Master Class Replays
- How to Bill the Shit out of the Major Insurance Companies
- How to Successfully Bill for Telehealth Services
- How to Manage Your Money Like an RD Boss (Part 1 & Part 2)
- How to Ace Your Insurance Audit
- How to Sell a la carte services while billing insurance
- How to Incorporate High Ticket Packages with Insurance
- How to Successfully Bill Out-of-State Plans
- Expanding your Team: How to Add New Dietitians to your Insurance-Based Practice
- Access to my 2024: A Step-By-Step Guide to Growing Your Practice. This course will be priced exactly like my group coaching program. Therefore, the price point of this course will be around $4000.00. So to say this membership is a steal, I think that is an understatement.
- If you choose the annual payment as a bonus, you get two FREE months and will receive one 30-minute coaching call with me per quarter; for a total of 4 calls per year.
- The membership DOES NOT provide access to my Group Reimbursement Coaching Program [unless you previously purchased it!]

That's what inspired this chick right here to build a kick-ass membership site for insurance-based private practice dietitians …
I was fed up with hearing stories about ah-mazing dietitians, with killer visions, just like you, being left stuck and let down in their pursuit of insurance-based private practice success, thanks to:
- The crappy million-dollar educations we all have that provided us with more education about what spoodle to use to serve an #5 can of peas, rather than how to start and run a profitable insurance-based practice.
- Lack of support from from our mentors who have a ‘clinical ride or die mentality’ when it comes to our future successes.
- Inexperienced insurance-based dietitians offering coaching programs and courses that promise you success, but don't say a thing about strategy or marketing...
- Expensive insurance credentialing and billing companies that make big claims about getting you set up and making your life easier, only to drag their feet in the process and steal your hard-earned cash.
Thankfully Sis, all of that is behind you…
All The Tools You Need To Grow the Shit out of Your Insurance-Based Practice
The Reimbursement Dietitian's Academy (aka The Academy!) is a monthly membership site for dietitians who are already credentialed with the insurance companies, and understand the basics of billing but are looking for more support in growing their insurance-based practice. The only way to 'get in' is to apply. I review applications Monday - Friday. If you don't get accepted, it doesn't mean that I don't love you. You are likely a better fit for my 6-month reimbursement coaching program.
This is NOT a membership for newbie RDs who are just credentialed. To get the most out of the service, you should have been successfully billing for at least 12months OR recently completed my Group Reimbursement Coaching Program.
You get a TON in this monthly membership, like a shit-TON.
The content is updated monthly with a content calendar available 3-4-months. Click HERE to see what is on tap for 2024, yo!
The Reimbursement Dietitian’s Academy will help you:
Build an insurance-based practice you love, that allows you to make a HUGE impact in the lives of your patients, generate a killer income, and provides you the freedom, independence, and lifestyle you want.
Attract more patients and keep them engaged so they stick around longer ultimately receiving the results they desire.
Finally, come to grips with the technical side of the building and managing your insurance-based practice - saving you hours of frustration
Eliminate the guesswork and stop throwing stuff at the wall and hoping something sticks by giving you a step by step roadmap to follow to get credentialed, learn how to bill and make the money you deserve.
Tap into the collective knowledge & experience of a community of insurance-based private practice dietitians and experts who are there to support each other.
Become infinitely better at managing your insurance-based practice on a day to day basis, so that you have way more time and far less stress.

Not yet credentialed with the insurance companies? Don't know crap about billing insurance?
No problem. I got you, boo! Check out my reimbursement coaching services. These coaching programs help you get credentialed, learn how to bill & make the $$$ you deserve as an RD.
Once you finish one of my badass programs, you will be rip-roaring ready for The Academy!
We will save you a seat, I promise.
Check out my coaching services
LIVE Calls
Weekly LIVE Member Q & A where we dive deep into the things holding you back from growing your practice

LIVE webinars
Monthly webinars on member-selected hot topics. Think of these as mini-courses with actionable steps.

Private Facebook Page
A place where the raddest dietitians on the planet come together to build their empires

Forms Galore
You have access to ALL the forms I use in my private practice - that way you waste no time re-inventing the wheel

Master Classes
When you join, you get complimentary access to the replays of ALL of my Master Classes as well as any current ones I am offering.
Girrrrl ... Your empire awaits!
Who is this Amy Plano chick anyway?
I am Amy Plano, The Reimbursement Dietitian, your fun, fearless leader for this membership site. I am an author, nutrition entrepreneur, private practice dietitian, foodie, self-declared fashionista, wife, and professor.
I am passionate about helping dietitians accomplish their dream of owning and operating a profitable nutrition private practice. I teach dietitians how to make money using a health insurance-based payment model.
Whether you choose to go ‘all in’ with insurance or decide to dabble (cherry-picking the carriers you want to become credentialed with), I demystify the insurance process and show you the specific steps necessary to leverage the shit out accepting health insurance your nutrition private practice and make money.
And I am there every step of the way. To ensure your success.
This membership site is my baby! It's the type of product I wish I had when I started my practice.
It is a place for community, education, support, and, most of all, fun!
I can't wait to meet all of you fabulous RDs. Your time has come to build your empire.
Hugs & High Fives -- Amy

Got questions?
Not sure if The Reimbursement Dietitian Monthly Membership Academy is right for you, Sis?
The Reimbursement Dietitian's Monthly Membership Academy is NOT for everyone, and truth be told I’d prefer to help you figure out if it’s not right for you BEFORE you join rather than waste your time.
So, let’s cut to the chase...

WHO is The Reimbursement Dietitian's Membership Academy for?
WHO is The Reimbursement Dietitian's Membership Academy IS NOT for?
What is the cost for The Reimbursement Dietitian's Academy?
I already have a thriving insurance-based private practice what can The Academy provide me with that I don’t already have?
Is all the content available or do you ‘drip’ it out?
Can I get 1:1 support from you for my practice?
Why should I join The Academy now? Instead of waiting for additional content to be released?
What happens if I don’t love The Academy?
What happens if I cancel my membership?
Can I access the content within The Academy once I have canceled my membership?
I am a male dietitian. Your marketing is really girly! Can I still join?
My Full Commitment
I eat, sleep, and breathe my insurance-based private practice.
Yup! I am that cray-cray! Helping dietitians grow their practices using insurance is my focus and I love helping my members achieve success.

Tap into my almost 2 decades of experience in the industry and a proven track record of driving the growth of several multi-6 figure insurance-based practices
I WALK THE TALK (in cute shoes, of course!)
Where others teach unproven theory or rely on outdated experience - I am a successful insurance-based private practice owner myself. I am in the trenches with our fingers firmly on the pulse

All members are dietitians and fellow private practice owners in various stages of business.
Some are just getting started. While others are looking to sharpen their tools in their toolbox.
Therefore, The Reimbursement Dietitian Academy community is wide and deep and there to answer all your questions and provide feedback and support.
Click HERE to learn more about what your fellow RD colleagues are saying about The Reimbursement Dietitian's services.

What are you getting ?!?
- Weekly office hours (60-minutes)
- Access to my exclusive PRIVATE Facebook Community where you can ASK me anything
- My Billing Cheat Sheet
- My Short Guide to Billing Secondary Insurance
- My Reimbursement Starter Pack
- My course Medicare 101
- Access to the following Master Class Replays
- How to Bill the Shit out of the Major Insurance Companies
- How to Successfully Bill for Telehealth Services
- How to Manage Your Money Like an RD Boss (Part 1 & Part 2)
- How to Ace Your Insurance Audit
- How to Sell a la carte services while billing insurance
- How to Incorporate High Ticket Packages with Insurance
- How to Successfully Bill Out-of-State Plans
- Expanding your Team: How to Add New Dietitians to your Insurance-Based Practice
- If you join before the end of 2023, you will receive complimentary access to my course when it is released in 2024: A Step-By-Step Guide to Growing Your Practice. This course will be priced exactly like my group coaching program. Therefore, the price point of this course will be around $4000.00. So to say this membership is a steal, I think that is an understatement.
- If you choose the annual payment as a bonus, you get two FREE months and will receive one 30-minute coaching call with me per quarter; for a total of 4 calls per year.
- The membership DOES NOT provide access to my Group Reimbursement Coaching Program [unless you previously purchased it!)

No bull shit
I am not into overblown hype, marketing tricks, or jumping on the latest shiny bandwagon.
Just straight-talking, honest, proven, and practical advice.
No B.S., no tricks, no 'get rich schemes here.
Just a lot of hustle sprinkled in with a boat-load of swagger.

What are you getting ?!?
- Weekly office hours (60-minutes)
- Access to my exclusive PRIVATE Facebook Community where you can ASK me anything
- My Billing Cheat Sheet
- My Short Guide to Billing Secondary Insurance
- My Reimbursement Starter Pack
- My course Medicare 101
- Plus, access to any live events while you are enrolled in the membership (Master Classes, Webinars, guest speakers)
- Access to the following Master Class Replays
- How to Bill the Shit out of the Major Insurance Companies
- How to Successfully Bill for Telehealth Services
- How to Manage Your Money Like an RD Boss (Part 1 & Part 2)
- How to Ace Your Insurance Audit
- How to Sell a la carte services while billing insurance
- How to Incorporate High Ticket Packages with Insurance
- How to Successfully Bill Out-of-State Plans
- Expanding your Team: How to Add New Dietitians to your Insurance-Based Practice
- You will receive complimentary access to my 2024 Course: A Step-By-Step Guide to Growing Your Practice. This course will be priced exactly like my group coaching program. Therefore, the price point of this course will be around $4000.00. So to say this membership is a steal, I think that is an understatement.
- If you choose the annual payment as a bonus, you get two FREE months and will receive one 30-minute coaching call with me per quarter; for a total of 4 calls per year.
- The membership DOES NOT provide access to my Group Reimbursement Coaching Program [unless you previously purchased it!]